Sunday, March 4, 2012


In some ways we were prepared for the high level of religious participation here. In other ways I feel slightly misled about it. For starters we were told that the school "Rwentutu Christian Community School" is only named that because they support good values. Along with that we were told there is no religious curriculum at the school which is not at all true. The children have CRE (Christian Religion Education) classes every day, all school chapel service every Wednesday, and God is mentioned regularly during other classes. For the most part this doesn't bother me that much I was just a little surprised given that we were told there was no religion in the curriculum.

Beyond that everyone asks us about our own religion. Curiosity is one thing, judgement is another. A person we know here, who I will not name, has come to our house both Sundays to ask us why we did not go to church. I told him that God is forgiving and would forgive us for not attending but he does not agree. It is very uncomfortable and we are concerned it will happen every week. Luke did attend church this morning and was grilled by this man about homosexuality in the car on the way home. I felt sorry that Luke had to deal with this because he is sensitive to all people and I'm sure was uncomfortable hearing such unkindness.

I have never enjoyed people that practice in this way. I believe, as a Quaker, that your relationship with God and the Bible is your own and no one has the right to judge you for the way you practice (or don't practice for that matter). I believe that if we are to be judged it is on the content of our character rather than how we follow the rules of an organized religion. Some people go to church every Sunday and then beat their wives when they get home. The man I spoke of says the bible teaches homosexuality is a sin and yet he is willing to kill a pig. In the bible it also says that touching the flesh of a pig is a sin.

I was kindly reminded that I can be just as stubborn and slow to change my views, which I'm afraid can be true. So I will try my best to be patient and understanding. I also understand that this man may genuinly fear for our souls and believes that he is really trying to help us. One thing I was prepared for was picking my battles and I will continue to try to do that. In America I do this all the time with hot botton issues in which people seldom change their minds. It's better to just avoid the issue if at all possible.

Anyhow it is neither here nor there. I just thought it was an interesting point to mention. I am happy that Edson and Janet do not judge us or if they do they keep it to themselves. We have asked Edson to talk to the man about it so hopefully it will not be an issue again.

1 comment:

  1. Here is Luke's account of it. He is more kind than I.
