Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Half way point

       As we enter our 6th week in Uganda my feelings are changing. This is a hard place to live but in most ways it has become our home. Every minute my feet are on this soil the roots grow deeper. I no longer feel afraid of the things here that used to terrify me. We know what to eat and how to get around. We have a routine. More so, we have friends. There are people here that I have come to trust and care for. When I think about leaving them it give me a lump in my throat. The only way I can talk myself out of tears is to remember that I can come back and that many of them now have facebook or e-mail. If I were rich I would bring a few of the teachers to America so that they could continue their training. I am constantly impressed by the caring nature that some of them possess.
     We were devastated to hear that Exams will begin right after Easter, meaning that we will only have the kids until the 13th. I can't express how disappointing this is for all of us. Our time will be cut short by over two weeks. It makes it hard to feel as if we have made a difference in their lives. There are only 31 days until we leave Uganda and I fear it will pass too quickly...


  1. Wow! Fieldwork at it's best. I love that you have let your roots grow in Africa, and have welcomed it with open arms!
    Unfortunately, it seems hardly fair that you get to spend such a short time with the kids, though I am sure you made a huge impact on them! Thank goodness for technology and the internet, it's great that you get to keep those relationships for years to come!

  2. Sounds like you've adapted pretty well to your surroundings and are more at ease. Glad to hear you can call it home for now and are able to confide in some of the friends you've made there. Such an important and wondrous part of the journey, to live a life unknown.
