Let's see what can I say about the last 10 days...
School has been going well for the most part. I have been working with the P6 class which is made up of 12 to 14 year olds. I really enjoy this class because there are only 16 of them but most of them struggle academically. Some of them struggle in a way that indicates deeper problems than just being behind. I made my own running records to test their reading levels and have begun to work independently with the three lowest. Giving up students to leave for this type of intervention work is new for some of the teachers and they don't all love the idea. King James understands the need and has been supportive as have a few of the staff. We are all hoping that everyone comes around so that this work will be continued when we leave. I don't want to say a lot about it but we are also hoping to change the views of some select staff that believe in physical punishment for the students. I was aware before I got here that it happened but seeing it... hearing it... watching a student (a 13 year old), cry through an entire exam after being beaten was more than I could handle. I said something, I said what I felt. The teacher has said they are willing to view my "methods" so I hope we can make more headway on that front.
I have been enjoying showing the students and staff how to play math games with playing cards. They all really love them and it is showing the teachers how the cards (or lack of) can be used as a reward/punishment. The favorites so far include "big rectangle", math war, and garbage. They also like to play a Ugandan card game that no one knows that name of. I know how to play as Janet has taught me but the kids seem to have some different rules. It has been nice to spend more time with the students and staff just having fun. It hard to think about how much leaving them will hurt.
Home Life
For the last two weeks we have had very little power and running water. It always seems like if we have one we won't have the other... we frequently have neither. I never thought I would have to ration my toilet flushes but here we are. In the evening there is always no water. We have to get water in Jerry cans and bathe in a bucket. After we are slightly clean from our bucket baths we dump the water into the back of the toilet so we can flush it. It's sort of a bummer. I have also discovered that my bed is full of tiny bugs. They don't seem to be harmful but sleeping with bugs all over you is hard. The mosquitoes have been getting worse and several people we know have come down with malaria in the last week. Edson also got stomach worms from drinking unclean water.
We have made all of our plans to go on safari, chimp tracking, swimming, and hiking. We are all super excited about it and the place we will be staying looks super nice. I'll write more about that when the time comes. Next Sunday is our half way point so I will try to post again then. Enjoy these pictures!
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