Monday, April 16, 2012

Curse of a teacher...

On Friday exams were finished and it was time to say goodbye to our students. I stood before my P6 class and said these words through my tears, "Forgive me for being brief but I fear that I will have tears. Know that I am so very proud of all of you. It has been a privilege to be your teacher and an honor to get to know each one of you. I have known you all to be good people and I have very high hope for your future. Remember not to waste your time on jealousy, the race is long, and in the end it's only with yourself."

The rest of the day was just spending time together, taking photos, and a goodbye ceremony that the students put on for us. We hugged. We gave gifts. We cried. It was crushing pain. When I am able I will post videos of there songs but for now here are some pictures.

Then they left. Some walked, others biked, and many were loaded up on the school truck and driven away. Here you can see two students looking at me. Alice in the blue sweeter, wearing my earrings, and Diana next to her with tears in her eyes. In her hand a protection Bola I gave her.

As teachers we become invested in our students. A whole-hearted kind of investment. We try to know each one as well as we can so we can help them set goals, celebrate personal accomplishments, and help them know when they haven't tried their hardest. We become invested in their successes, their failures, their safety, their happiness... everything about their lives. They are our responsibility for at least 35 hours a week and the children of our hearts every minute of every day, holidays, weekends, and sleepless nights included. This kind of love is fruitful as we watch them grow, succeed, and eventually move on but it is also a painful love. Unavoidable heartbreak over and over again as we let them fly away. Honestly there are times in which I wonder if one can survive so much loss or if it will ever get easier. Every time you know you have helped them to become better, helped them to know more of who they are. However there is always a wish for more. Something you wish you could have done better, something you fear they will not hang on to... or fear of wrong turns and dark paths ahead. It seems impossible to have a student leave a neatly wrapped little package with no lose ends of ribbon, ready to be happily passed along with no more thought.
There are many things I do not know on this subject but I do know that in the case of students Shakespeare was right... "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

Fort Portal Weekend!

Our group (plus an Aussie friend) went to Fort Portal on the Friday and Saturday of Easter weekend. This town is about an hour and a half away from Kasese and is cooler due to it's high altitude. We went for three important reasons: Hiking, crater lakes, and pizza.

Fort Portal actually has a pizza place called Pier Pizzeria. The food was amazing! We actually ended up eating there on our way in to town and again on our way out. We got to introduce Edson to pizza for the first time which made it even more fun. The first time we ate there was on Good Friday. While we waited for our food we saw the following outside the window...
The mass of people continues all the way down the street. I thought my grandparents especially would be interested in these pictures. (Love you grandma and grandpa!) These people walked here from the neighboring country side carrying their crosses to be a part of this precession.

After pizza we continued to the community camp where we would be spending the night. That evening we did a hike to a place called "Top of the World" where, as you can imagine, the views were amazing.

The next day we did a challenging hike to a waterfall. I would like to think that my personal trainer would have been proud that I made it back up the very steep wall of the valley. The waterfall was gorgeous and we had fun playing in it. The only slip up was when our friend slipped and fell face first into the water... with her expensive camera around her neck. Don't worry, after a week in a bag of dry rice the camera is fine. Our friend made it out with only a bruised ego ;)

Throughout the entire weekend there were of course many many monkeys...

Yeah I know my socks are awesome. I didn't bring long enough pants for our hike so Edson gave me these soccer socks to wear.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Start of week 7, week 6 summary

Ok this is going to be one of those lame catch up posts because I am totally behind.

During week 6 two very cool things stand out in my mind as worth mentioning. The first is that Semu killed a snake in the hen house at school. We are not sure at this point if it was a Black Mamba or a Cobra but we do know it was a very big snake and it ate 6 chicks.

Sorry couldn't rotate.

Yup, a chick from inside the snake.

The other item worth mention is the time spent with my class this week because we had an especially productive week. One of the teachers (who I will not mention) had decided that P6 is too slow for him and as punishment he would not teach them for two weeks. (On a side note this person is the exception, not the rule. Most of the teachers are impressive educators that I am honored to serve with. This type of behavior is being handled by Enoch and King James so I will not comment further). This gave me even more time to have my class all to myself. For English we began to work on our response letters to my class in Wisconsin. The Ugandan students loved reading the letters and we spent our entire first lesson answering questions they had about what the American students had written. For example: What is/are a Lexus, Wii, bacon, recess, waffles, Poptarts, Converse All Stars, chicken patty, AACE, ect. It was a lot of fun and a good learning experience. They continued by learning time-line format, making drafts, and then the final copy complete with pictures. I'm very proud of the work they have done. I should mention that I am also proud of their progress in math seeing as we completed an entire unit in that one week.

When we had about 20 minutes of free time at the end of a period one day I made up a little activity to keep us motivated to work hard in school. I will let the pictures (students) speak for themselves. I can't include the whole class but here are a few.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Half way point

       As we enter our 6th week in Uganda my feelings are changing. This is a hard place to live but in most ways it has become our home. Every minute my feet are on this soil the roots grow deeper. I no longer feel afraid of the things here that used to terrify me. We know what to eat and how to get around. We have a routine. More so, we have friends. There are people here that I have come to trust and care for. When I think about leaving them it give me a lump in my throat. The only way I can talk myself out of tears is to remember that I can come back and that many of them now have facebook or e-mail. If I were rich I would bring a few of the teachers to America so that they could continue their training. I am constantly impressed by the caring nature that some of them possess.
     We were devastated to hear that Exams will begin right after Easter, meaning that we will only have the kids until the 13th. I can't express how disappointing this is for all of us. Our time will be cut short by over two weeks. It makes it hard to feel as if we have made a difference in their lives. There are only 31 days until we leave Uganda and I fear it will pass too quickly...

We're going on a bear hunt! (well not really)

      On Saturday we went for a hike at Ruboni Community Camp. We did what is called a "Forest hike" that is really half forest and half jungle. The views were stunning! I can never quite capture on camera how amazing it is but here is a shot at it.
This next picture is of a very large type of banana plant. As I was taking this picture Safari ants began to bite me. I got only 5 bites in total but they hurt quite a bit.
From this point on the hike became more challenging than I would prefer but we made it through. Great experience altogether. I took these last photos because I thought I thought my mom would like them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Catching up...

Let's see what can I say about the last 10 days...
           School has been going well for the most part. I have been working with the P6 class which is made up of 12 to 14 year olds. I really enjoy this class because there are only 16 of them but most of them struggle academically. Some of them struggle in a way that indicates deeper problems than just being behind. I made my own running records to test their reading levels and have begun to work independently with the three lowest. Giving up students to leave for this type of intervention work is new for some of the teachers and they don't all love the idea. King James understands the need and has been supportive as have a few of the staff. We are all hoping that everyone comes around so that this work will be continued when we leave. I don't want to say a lot about it but we are also hoping to change the views of some select staff that believe in physical punishment for the students. I was aware before I got here that it happened but seeing it... hearing it... watching a student (a 13 year old), cry through an entire exam after being beaten was more than I could handle. I said something, I said what I felt. The teacher has said they are willing to view my "methods" so I hope we can make more headway on that front.

           I have been enjoying showing the students and staff how to play math games with playing cards. They all really love them and it is showing the teachers how the cards (or lack of) can be used as a reward/punishment. The favorites so far include "big rectangle", math war, and garbage. They also like to play a Ugandan card game that no one knows that name of. I know how to play as Janet has taught me but the kids seem to have some different rules. It has been nice to spend more time with the students and staff just having fun. It hard to think about how much leaving them will hurt.

Home Life
          For the last two weeks we have had very little power and running water. It always seems like if we have one we won't have the other... we frequently have neither. I never thought I would have to ration my toilet flushes but here we are. In the evening there is always no water. We have to get water in Jerry cans and bathe in a bucket. After we are slightly clean from our bucket baths we dump the water into the back of the toilet so we can flush it. It's sort of a bummer. I have also discovered that my bed is full of tiny bugs. They don't seem to be harmful but sleeping with bugs all over you is hard. The mosquitoes have been getting worse and several people we know have come down with malaria in the last week. Edson also got stomach worms from drinking unclean water.
        We have made all of our plans to go on safari, chimp tracking, swimming, and hiking. We are all super excited about it and the place we will be staying looks super nice. I'll write more about that when the time comes. Next Sunday is our half way point so I will try to post again then. Enjoy these pictures!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I have decided to make an on-going list of things I will miss and things I will not miss about living in Uganda. This one will be added to and changed the entire time I'm here so keep checking back.

Things I will miss/ things I am grateful to have in Uganda...

-The staff at Rwentutu (we have only been at the school for two weeks and already I am so attached to the teachers. I know it will be hard to say goodbye when the time comes which is why I have helped them all set up e-mail and facebook.)

-Our sweet and charming students

-Janet and Edson, who keep us alive and show us the ropes

-The Rwenzori mountains and the scenery of Uganda in general

-G-nut sauce, jackfruit, and Chappatti!!!

-The way people talk

-Having fits of insanity laughter with Luke, Laura, and Emily

-Seeing wild animals everywhere everyday

-Curiosity and questions about America and the rest of the world

-Watching King James dance

-"Yes please"


-Love notes from the children

-Fabric and clothes!

Things I will not miss...

-The garbage that covers the beautiful country side

-Frequently not having power and/or running water in our house. (Lately it has been both for days at a time).

-Lack of toilet seats in the house (even though I can see them in pictures from the last group, where did they go?)

-General lack of customer service anywhere you go. (You can't expect a menu, any food to be prepared, change for bills of any size, or for anyone to care when you have a problem. For example when an ATM didn't give me any money, only a receipt saying it did, the bank asked me what I was going to do about it.)

-Everything here takes forever, always.

-Being told I'm big, by everyone, constantly.

-Religious pushiness

-Being looked at constantly. Along with that, the way everyone treats us like we have an endless supply of money that they want to get their hands on. It's cheap to live in Uganda if you're black, if you're anything else it's unbelievably expensive.

-Market shopping

-Eating the same food all the time

-Never really feeling clean

-Cockroaches and rats in the house

Rwentutu staff party!

Today we had pretty much all of the Rwentutu staff over for a lunch party. We made a lot of food including: Beans, rice, matoke, pineapple, chappatti (that we made ourselves!), beef, tapioke, cookies, guacamole, Pringles, and chicken (which we killed to honor our guests). It was a lot of work and very expensive but it was really fun. We listened to music and played on the computers making facebook accounts for the staff. It was really nice to get to know them more.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

King Fisher Lodge

Yesterday we visited King Fisher Lodge which is a safari lodge about 50 minutes south of our home. We took a taxi bus called a mutatu which costs 7,000 sh (about $3) a person. It is on the edge over looking the park and the view of the rift valley is amazing. It is like looking out at the ocean to which there is no end in sight.

We swam although it was cloudy and the water was cold. Swimming costs 10,000 sh ($4.50) for the day even if you only go in once. The food there was pretty good. I had their version of a club sandwich which was chicken, pork chunks, avocado, cabbage, and something like mayo. Along with that we had chips (french fries), fruit salad, and banana fritters with honey. The sandwich and chips was about 16,000 and the fruit salad 5,000.

We had a really great time and felt truly relaxed. On the way home we were lucky enough to catch a bus that only cost 5,000 per person and we had much more room. As we drove home we saw a hippo! I was unable to get a picture :(


In some ways we were prepared for the high level of religious participation here. In other ways I feel slightly misled about it. For starters we were told that the school "Rwentutu Christian Community School" is only named that because they support good values. Along with that we were told there is no religious curriculum at the school which is not at all true. The children have CRE (Christian Religion Education) classes every day, all school chapel service every Wednesday, and God is mentioned regularly during other classes. For the most part this doesn't bother me that much I was just a little surprised given that we were told there was no religion in the curriculum.

Beyond that everyone asks us about our own religion. Curiosity is one thing, judgement is another. A person we know here, who I will not name, has come to our house both Sundays to ask us why we did not go to church. I told him that God is forgiving and would forgive us for not attending but he does not agree. It is very uncomfortable and we are concerned it will happen every week. Luke did attend church this morning and was grilled by this man about homosexuality in the car on the way home. I felt sorry that Luke had to deal with this because he is sensitive to all people and I'm sure was uncomfortable hearing such unkindness.

I have never enjoyed people that practice in this way. I believe, as a Quaker, that your relationship with God and the Bible is your own and no one has the right to judge you for the way you practice (or don't practice for that matter). I believe that if we are to be judged it is on the content of our character rather than how we follow the rules of an organized religion. Some people go to church every Sunday and then beat their wives when they get home. The man I spoke of says the bible teaches homosexuality is a sin and yet he is willing to kill a pig. In the bible it also says that touching the flesh of a pig is a sin.

I was kindly reminded that I can be just as stubborn and slow to change my views, which I'm afraid can be true. So I will try my best to be patient and understanding. I also understand that this man may genuinly fear for our souls and believes that he is really trying to help us. One thing I was prepared for was picking my battles and I will continue to try to do that. In America I do this all the time with hot botton issues in which people seldom change their minds. It's better to just avoid the issue if at all possible.

Anyhow it is neither here nor there. I just thought it was an interesting point to mention. I am happy that Edson and Janet do not judge us or if they do they keep it to themselves. We have asked Edson to talk to the man about it so hopefully it will not be an issue again.