Saturday, February 25, 2012

Driving to Kasese

Feb. 24 Friday Driving to Kasese
                Today we made the over 7 hour drive from Kampala to Kasese. I would like to tell you about the Ugandan country side… but I can’t. There is no photographer, artist, or poet that could do its beauty justice so I certainly cannot. I can say this, through over 7 hours of driving I never took my eyes off the hills. Looking away will make your eyes thirsty for the scenery and you are forced to turn back.

                Beyond that the drive was also fun because we got to wave to nearly every person in Uganda. Being white is like being a celebrity and since everyone stares you might as well wave. They love it! They will wave, blow a kiss, wink, and yell as you go by. It made me happy in a way that I’m sure will damage my ego when I return to the states.

                Once we actually reached Kasese the attention didn’t feel so fun, just overwhelming. Enoch showed us our house and then took us to the local market to show us how to shop. I am thankful for having Janet and Edson here to help us. She is a 19 year old girl that lives with us so we can learn to survive. She helps us buy food, cook, clean, do laundry, and kill things in the house like mice and roaches. Edson also does these things as well as drives us everywhere. Not to mention he is the funniest person I have met here. They are invaluable. Other than that I am just trying to adjust to the house, city, and locals. Here are some pictures of our house since so many of you have asked to see it.

1 comment:

  1. I like the sleeping nets! You look like you have a good crew of people who you get to work with (kids included, so cute by the way!) loves ya Joc, keep posting
